The Book Bandit (a.k.a, Me) is back (*evil laugh*) — I just made away with some major loot at the National Book Store Warehouse Sale, ongoing at the 4th floor of National Book Store Quezon Avenue.
Tag: book shopping
Cut-Price Loot!
*Photo courtesy of National Book Store
So the NBS Cut-Price Sale is ongoing until this weekend, and while I’ve imposed a one-bag limit on my book shopping (e.g. I cannot exceed one reasonably-sized bag at any given time), the results aren’t half bad…
Five branches (Shangri-la, Glorietta, Greenbelt, Greenhills, and Cash & Carry) later, check out what I scored (so far…) at this year’s Cut-Price Sale. Grand total under P1500.
National Book Store Warehouse Sale!
Cut-Price Loot!
Life seems to be passing me by in a blur all year. This morning I realized it was the last weekend of the National Book Store Cut-Price Sale (and I hadn’t shopped since the first week) hence I squeezed in a panic trip to a couple branches today.
Technically, I shouldn’t be book shopping, as I’m in the middle of packing all my books in boxes (20 boxes so far, and not even halfway through!), as the bulk of our home renovation is about to begin and my books have to go into storage. But my sister has been warning me I can’t buy any books while the renovation is ongoing so I’m currently in panic mode (because yes, how will I get through book fair?!?).
Book Bazaar, we meet again…
As the Christmas rush set in early for me, starting with the annual Flips Flipping Pages Christmas party (I’ll tell you more about that soon!), I nearly forgot about the National Book Store Christmas Book Bazaar at Market! Market!, which I’m happy to see is becoming an annual event.
I had work lined up all day with a client in the area the other day, and I suddenly remembered I hadn’t been to the Book Bazaar yet, so I braved the rush hour after work and headed there. I apparently did not think it through — I didn’t have a lot of cash on me and I was loaded down with my “portable office” consisting of my work bag and laptop bag — hence I had to limit myself to the one basket (I swear!) that I could carry, but I think I still made out like a bandit with the lovely loot I scored.