Well played, Big Bad Wolf

(Wherein resistance is futile)

I thought I was over my book hoarding phase. I mean, I did a major purge of my bookshelves last year and my hallway library was finally beginning to look like it could hold all my books, and then, bam! I met the Big Bad Wolf.

I’ve heard of legends, of course. Myra, my book blogger friend in Singapore, has always raved about her Big Bad Wolf expeditions and her monster hauls. My sister also happened to come across a BBW sale in Penang a few years back, and told me it was created for people like me.

Still, though, I don’t think I was prepared to fail so spectacularly at keeping things in check! Last night our book club descended on the preview, and it was epic — I spent more than five hours in there and still wasn’t completely satisfied, so I actually braved going back this morning, and it was worth it.

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MIBF 2014: The Loot Report


I got home late from the MIBF last night because it extended to 9pm, and because I’m too exhausted for reportage, this post has all my loot photos instead.

I must say I bought a lot more books this year than in recent years — I think the last time my haul matched this year’s numbers was three years ago, but the tension-filled floodwatch for typhoon Mario totally wore me down, so I spent snatches of time in retail therapy yesterday. Haha. My sister had to bail me out, she came to fetch me at the MIBF last night with a wheelie bag!

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The Return of the Book Bandit


The Book Bandit (a.k.a, Me) is back (*evil laugh*) — I just made away with some major loot at the National Book Store Warehouse Sale, ongoing at the 4th floor of National Book Store Quezon Avenue.

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Cut-Price Loot!

1209185_10151621441841914_2107090284_n*Photo courtesy of National Book Store

So the NBS Cut-Price Sale is ongoing until this weekend, and while I’ve imposed a one-bag limit on my book shopping (e.g. I cannot exceed one reasonably-sized bag at any given time), the results aren’t half bad…

Five branches (Shangri-la, Glorietta, Greenbelt, Greenhills, and Cash & Carry) later, check out what I scored (so far…) at this year’s Cut-Price Sale. Grand total under P1500.

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National Book Store Warehouse Sale!

Christmas comes early for book lovers in the metro, as National Book Store holds its warehouse sale at the 4th floor of National Book Store Quezon Avenue from November 15 to 18 (10 am to 7 pm), with up to 80% off on books, supplies and gift items.

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