Ready for MIBF?

DSC_0328It’s September, and there is one event that stands out in my bookish calendar: the Manila International Book Fair, happening on Sept. 16-20 at the SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City. I’m literally counting down to opening day tomorrow (ack!) and looking forward to five days of pure bookish bliss.

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MIBF 2014: Postscript


This post comes to you a couple of days after the MIBF, mainly because I was nursing a sore throat and some back pain (I’d blame the haul, but well, haha I regret nothing!), and I wasn’t fit for company (erm, except for a couple of books stashed under my covers).

Anyway, I’m in recovery mode now so here are some other MIBF moments I haven’t documented yet.

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MIBF 2014: The Loot Report


I got home late from the MIBF last night because it extended to 9pm, and because I’m too exhausted for reportage, this post has all my loot photos instead.

I must say I bought a lot more books this year than in recent years — I think the last time my haul matched this year’s numbers was three years ago, but the tension-filled floodwatch for typhoon Mario totally wore me down, so I spent snatches of time in retail therapy yesterday. Haha. My sister had to bail me out, she came to fetch me at the MIBF last night with a wheelie bag!

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MIBF 2014: Day Two Report


Home from Day Two of the MIBF! I had a shopping jag early in the day (major geek mode in all of ten minutes 0_0) so I wanted to steer clear of buying any more books for the rest of the day.

The day started pretty early for me as the Filipino ReaderCon team (Honey, Jason and I) announced the finalists for the Filipino Readers’ Choice Awards, a result of three-odd weeks of voting and over 30,000 ballots. The three finalists in each category will go on to panel judging, where three readers will evaluate each book in each category to determine the winners for the Readers’ Choice Awards. The awards ceremony is slated for the Filipino ReaderCon on Nov. 14.

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MIBF 2014: Day One Report


Finally home from the first day of the 35th Manila International Book Fair, and I’ve got lots to show you! :)

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