
This is our book club, Flips Flipping Pages, as caricatured by my good friend (and surrogate book club big sister) Ajie Taduran (see, I told you my friends are brilliant!) after one of our book discussions last year. Can you find me in the cartoon?

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More Christmas book sales!

I like giving books as gifts, especially when I’m familiar enough with the person to know what kind of books they like, but I’m way behind on this year’s Christmas shopping so I’ll have to shop double time in the next two weeks.

If like me, you have some books to check off the Christmas list, here are some places worth checking out:

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Book Bazaar Loot!

Last week I talked about how much I was looking forward to the National Book Store Christmas Book Bazaar and by the time Nov. 19th rolled around, I was all stoked to go book hunting. But alas, I got caught in traffic coming from the other side of the metro, got caught in more traffic on the way to the book bazaar, and by the time I got there, it was 45 minutes ’til closing time and I must say, I do not shop well under pressure!

So I had to go back. Saturday was out of the question, as my day was packed with the Lumina Pandit Tour (yes, I know, I owe you that post — I’m wading through hundreds of photos!) and the End of the Affair discussion, so on Sunday, after my morning visit to Iya’s place to check out her advent calendars (have you seen them? get one at Tie Me Up Buttercup before December 1!), she dropped me off at the book bazaar and I happily dug in!

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Teatro Olivia!

I know I owe you a lot of posts (Lumina Pandit, Book Bazaar loot, and a whole lot of reviews) but I can’t resist sharing today’s wonderful bargain bookstore find!

My hands were literally shaking as I took it down the shelf, I held my breath as I inspected the contents, and I was hugging it all the way to the counter!

Voila! It’s Teatro Olivia!

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Lauren Kate in Manila

To all Lauren Kate Fans — here’s your chance to meet the author of Fallen and Torment.

Lauren Kate will be live in Manila on Nov. 27 at the Atrium of The Podium. Registration starts at 4 pm, and the event starts at 5 pm.

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