MIBF 2013: Day 2


It’s been such a long day so this post will be mostly photos. Day 2 is normally the lightest of all the days I work at the MIBF, but for some reason, all my major tv coverages coincided on the same day and I ended up overseeing shoots from early morning breakfast show to primetime news all the way down to late night news!

(The only reason I’m still awake is because the caffeine hasn’t worn off yet. Because I’ve had plenty.)

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MIBF 2013: Day 1 Report


Back from Day 1 of the Manila International Book Fair, and I’m pretty worn out, but happy. I was not in book shopping mode (not yet), and I was only able to get one book (it’s true!), but it’s been a very productive day otherwise.

Opening day is always my busiest, and it was busier than usual this year. Most of my work is concentrated on opening day, as I have interviews lined up across the day, and I have to snatch pockets of time in between to write some book fair stories to send out immediately. So mission accomplished on that end.

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2012 MIBF in photos

Sorry it’s taken me so long, the bug I caught last month seems to be on a cruel relapse. That, and a surprise in my next post! (I can’t wait to click publish on that one!) Anyway, here’s the rest of my MIBF experience, in photos.

Wish you were there!

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And the Book Fair Bandit strikes again…

I seem to have caught a bug at the MIBF — I’ve been laid up for the past week with a nasty respiratory tract infection. But no one will believe my Book Fair purchases amounted to just one post, so here it is, finally, Part 2 of my MIBF loot!

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One day to go: Manila International Book Fair!

I can’t believe it’s only one more day til the 33rd Manila International Book Fair!

The MIBF has been a permanent fixture in my calendar for the past seven years, but my first MIBF was actually way back in 1993. I was in third grade on a field trip with the Reading Club (and I just realized, that was the first book club I ever joined!), and I was in awe — I had never seen so many books all in one place! With fellow bookworms from the Reading Club, I went from booth to booth, figuring out what to buy with a couple of weeks’ worth of allowance. And  when our money run out, we made the rounds once more, this time to chase down the mascots, listen to a story or two, watch cartoons, and of course, to take note of books we wanted our parents to buy for us, when we begged them to go back to the book fair as soon as we got home.

I lugged home a bag of books (see, book hoarder at age 8), which included — wait for it –Sweet Valley Kids #6: Lila’s Secret and The Babysitters’ Little Sister #23: Karen’s Doll!

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