The Manila International Book Fair, the country’s biggest and longest running book fair, is just one month away, from Sept. 14-18 at the SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City.
Tag: Philippines Book Fair
The last of the MIBF loot
It’s the week after the MIBF and I hit the ground running at work, picking up where I left off on the various other ongoing accounts at the height of our events season. It’s the busiest time of the year for us and I’m running ragged at this point.
Readers have been telling me they want to see the rest of my book fair posts, but this week was more than a little crazy, and so was the weekend at the book fair. There were so many people and so many things going on all at the same time!
MIBF 2013: Day 1 Report
Back from Day 1 of the Manila International Book Fair, and I’m pretty worn out, but happy. I was not in book shopping mode (not yet), and I was only able to get one book (it’s true!), but it’s been a very productive day otherwise.
Opening day is always my busiest, and it was busier than usual this year. Most of my work is concentrated on opening day, as I have interviews lined up across the day, and I have to snatch pockets of time in between to write some book fair stories to send out immediately. So mission accomplished on that end.
2012 MIBF in photos
Sorry it’s taken me so long, the bug I caught last month seems to be on a cruel relapse. That, and a surprise in my next post! (I can’t wait to click publish on that one!) Anyway, here’s the rest of my MIBF experience, in photos.
Wish you were there!
And the Book Fair Bandit strikes again…
I seem to have caught a bug at the MIBF — I’ve been laid up for the past week with a nasty respiratory tract infection. But no one will believe my Book Fair purchases amounted to just one post, so here it is, finally, Part 2 of my MIBF loot!