I’m still in post-MIBF recovery (the usual: sore throat, backache, and basically feeling like I’ve been run through a laundry press…), and I just sent off my cousin (boo hoo) plus have loads to catch up on (work, Heneral Luna, new Doctor Who, Face Off, and the mountain of to-be-read books, including MIBF acquisitions), so here’s a photo blogĀ in the meantime!
Tag: MIBF2015
#MIBF2015: Day 1 Report
Just got home from Day 1 of the Manila International Book Fair (MIBF)! Opening day is always my busiest (this year more than the recent ones after a series of delays in the morning), and my feet are sore and my arms are aching, so I’ll let the photos do the talking, hmm?
Ready for MIBF?
It’s September, and there is one event that stands out in my bookish calendar: the Manila International Book Fair, happening on Sept. 16-20 at the SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City. I’m literally counting down to opening day tomorrow (ack!) and looking forward to five days of pure bookish bliss.