I’m back from an incredibly busy Halloween season! As if the whole ASOIAF shebang (DIY Iron Throne, DIY wildling cloak and all) weren’t enough to tide me over, I had two other Halloween parties lined up! One was my younger cousin’s birthday party (wherein we created a haunted house and scared the wits out of a bunch of high schoolers!) a couple Saturdays ago, and the other was something we’d been planning for over five months: SteamPoe, the Flips Flipping Pages (post) Halloween party, which was just last Saturday!
I’m one of the three organizers of SteamPoe (the other two being my cousin Dianne and our fellow Flipper and new partner-in-(crafting)crime Shani), and none of us remember exactly how the idea came about, but the title was coined because the theme was a mix of steampunk and, in the spirit of Halloween, Edgar Allan Poe.
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