Winners: The Scorpio Races!

Finally, here are the winners of my Scorpio Races giveaway.

I apologize for the delay, I know you guys have been waiting for this, but I’ve had a lot to catch up on at work and I’ve resumed my tutoring (5 times a week) after the holidays, so before I knew it, January came, and is now nearly over!

Also, choosing the winners (for the non-raffle part) was tough. I don’t normally hold giveaways where I have to choose the winner because it’s never easy to pick out a winner out of all the entries. I usually get Randomizer to keep it well, random, but for this particular giveaway, I thought a thematic question was more significant given the themes of the novel.

So anyway, on to the winners!

The first winner I chose is Nancy, who said the most courageous thing she’s ever done is:

to stand up and be strong for my man who underwent surgery and need to recover in the hospital for two weeks. This was two years ago, after we were held up and he was shot three times. I needed to be brave for him and for myself. He survived. Now, seven years into the relationship and we’re engaged to be married.

I chose this because I thought that was pretty amazing. It’s hard enough to be brave for yourself, but to get you and another person through a trying situation — wow.
And I bet this is a story that’s going to be passed on to their future children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. Epic.

The other winner I picked is Neknekenken, who said:

 For me, the most courageous thing I’ve done to date is to drop out of college when I have about a year left until graduation. I felt like college wasn’t a beneficial experience to me anymore, and I really feel that I was just wasting precious hours in class. My decision left me unnerved and ashamed for a while, but I’m glad I did. A year can be either long or short but if you ask me a year is a pretty long time to waste. Since then life has not been perfect, but I can say that I spent my time exactly how I wanted to.

I had conflicting emotions about choosing this answer, because I’m all for education, but I picked this as the second winner because I thought it was a situation that automatically draws judgment from society. It’s something I never considered myself — it was never an option for me, and I do believe a person should get as much education as they can, but there are people who choose to go down this path and carve out their own future (which is doubly hard, I think!), and I think that’s admirable too.

For the raffle winner, I eliminated the first two winners and randomized the rest:

Congratulations Jzhunagev!

Nancy, Neknekenken and Jzhunagev each receive a hardcover copy of The Scorpio Races.

Thank you to everyone who joined the giveaway! I truly appreciated your willingness to share your experiences with me, and I really enjoy reading your comments. If you didn’t win this time, I have more giveaways coming up — the raffle kind, don’t worry — so I hope I see you guys back on the site!

8 thoughts on “Winners: The Scorpio Races!”

  1. By Aslan’s mane!

    Can’t believe I WON! O_O

    Can’t wait to get my hands on the book; been hearing so much about it based from your and other blogger’s reviews.

    Thanks you very much for hosting this giveaway, Blooey!
    With this, I think 2012 is off to a great start. Yey! ^.^

  2. Wow, thank you so much! The Scorpio Races has been on my wishlist like, uh, forever! I’m excited to read it. Thank you for this giveaway… To all the other entrants, let us continue to be brave! :-)

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