One of the factoids I listed in the previous post inspired this entry, because I dug up a bunch of photos that had me cracking up last night.
I mentioned that I used to think endpapers and flyleaves were blank so that you could draw on them, and so I did.
Here are some drawings from when I was 4 or 5 years old, in an old encyclopedia set that my mom gave away a couple of years ago.
Animal drawings. I see a bird on the lower right and what looks like a cat on the upper right but I don’t know what the bug-eyed, big-eared critters are. I’m guessing they’re mice? Ooh, and I think it’s sort of a maze. They’re labeled A, B, C, D and there are crisscrossing lines, although does that mean the cat and bird are racing to get the biggest mouse?
Check out the club hands and the curly feet. I’ve always hated drawing hands and feet. But I like the striped tie and the lacy cropped pants.
I think this is an attempt to draw angels; I’ve drawn wings instead of hands. And I’ve got some strange numbers up on top.
What appears to be a cat, some floating heads and a guy presenting flowers to his lady love. They look like clowns.
This time in ballpoint pen. I think this is a princess? Hahaha, club hands again, and a giraffey neck. But she’s wearing high-heeled boots!
And here are some more floating heads that I’ve put random names on.
I don’t know where my mom donated the books to, but I hope someone keeps them and I’ll be able to see these drawings again one day.