*Insert triumphant whoop here*
And I’m back. Finally. And with that comes a huge sigh of relief.
You might have been wondering why there have been no updates for several days now — it’s because funky things were happening under the hood. The site did not go under (if you had seen it, it appeared to be up and running, and I even got comments on the posts), but I was actually locked out of the site for the past week!
I had been installing a plugin when the screen went blank and I got a fatal error message. And then I tried logging in again, but I couldn’t get past the login page. I thought it was one of those glitches that would sort itself out, but after a couple of days with no access to my blog (and withdrawal symptoms from not being able to blog: cue emotional eating!), I sent out the distress signal to my webhost.
He finds some crazy gobbledygook on the back end, such as 4000 (freaking, excuse the language) blog posts about pharmacy (!?!), among other things. Crazy.
So there. After days of stewing around anxiously, I’m back. And I’ve been busy reading, so you’ll find new stuff on the site soon enough. Oh, and I’ll get back to all those who’ve commented too.
Thank you everyone for your patience, and a big big thank you to Melo for restoring my blog (and putting up with all this craziness)! :)
you are welcome Blooey:) see you soon:)
death to spammers!