Ready for ReaderCon!


I’ve been working really hard on my booth for the Book Reco Fair at the Filipino ReaderCon for weeks now, and I can’t believe it’s finally happening on Saturday! Squee! Finally, the work of my poor cramped hands (!) over many sleepless nights will see the light of day.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find at my booth.

IMG_0469My book lists: all in one nifty booklet!

IMG_0468Bookmarks — because we can never have enough of these going around.


Mustachioed pencils, because mustaches are cool!

IMG_0471Sticker packs. I got carried away.

IMG_0348And bookish badges!

I have a few more things to finish cram tomorrow — I’ll keep those under wraps. Heehee!

Do drop by my booth at the Filipino ReaderCon during Book Reco Fair (1pm) this Saturday at the Rizal Library and I’ll load you up with my crafty bookish goodies.

Oh, and I’m launching my official social networks in time for ReaderCon, too. You can now follow me on Facebook ( and Twitter (

See you at the ReaderCon!


2 thoughts on “Ready for ReaderCon!”

  1. Hello Blooey! I’m one of the participants in the Fil ReaderCon. I’d just like to say your booth was the prettiest and had the most awesomest (haha most na awesomest pa?) giveaways! Too bad I didn’t see the badges though. Thank you for sharing your passion for reading and hope you’ll never get tired doing what you do!

    P.S. I was the one who asked what’s your job and what’s your book club. Naloka ako mag-isa ka lang pala! Ang galing talaga ang your HP collection…wala na kong masabi! haha! :3

  2. Thank you, Elena! :) I made over 60 of the badges, and they ran out really fast, like in half an hour! It was great meeting so many Filipino readers like you.

    I have a ReaderCon post coming up, waiting for the official photos lang because I wasn’t able to take a lot of photos on my camera :D

    See you again soon, I hope :)

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