Boy Meets Boy


Today I came from the Flips Flipping Pages book discussion for June, David Levithan’s “Boy Meets Boy,” which was chosen by this month’s moderator Orly in celebration of Pride Month, and came right on the heels of the historic decision on same-sex marriage laid down by the Supreme Court of the United States.

(I was going to say this is my first David Levithan, but a search on this blog revealed that back in 2009 I apparently read (and enjoyed) a lesser-known work of his: “Marly’s Ghost,” a clever take on Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol, set around Valentine’s Day and with teen characters. )

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More Hemingway


Hey hey! Apologies for being away for a couple of weeks — things have only just started calming down in my world, following several events at work, my sister coming home for a week-long visit, and two of our pets getting sick (and on a strict medication and diet schedule for the next month or so).

Anywaaay, as you might have read a few weeks back, my May was spent on Hemingway, because the Flips Flipping Pages discussion for the month required us to read at least one fictional work by Hemingway, and another biographical or autobiographical work on (or by) Hemingway.

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Never Let Me Go


It’s been a busy month for Flips Flipping Pages, with not one, not two, but three book discussions crammed within the month. Earlier this month, we Flippers met up with National Artist for Literature F. Sionil Jose to conclude last year’s Rosales Saga readalong, then two Saturdays back we had the unofficial discussion on Helene Hanff’s “84 Charing Cross Road”  (which I moderated).

Last Saturday’s book discussion, my third for the month, and the official discussion slated for March, was on Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go,” moderated by Flippers Haze and Sana, held at a medical facility in Pasig.

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The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street


Still on the “84 Charing Cross Road” high, I had managed to convince enough of my book club friends to join me in an unofficial discussion of the book last Saturday. At Flips Flipping Pages, we normally do unofficial discussions (outside of the monthly schedule) for certain books when one person (or more) needs closure feels strongly about it and elects to moderate.

Of course, being the highly suggestible people we are, it’s normally not a big challenge to gather up enough people for a discussion, but considering I kept having to move it all throughout March due to scheduling conflicts, I was pleasantly surprised at the turnout (I love you Flippers!).

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Flippers meet F. Sionil Jose


We finally concluded our Rosales Saga read-along last Saturday over at Solidaridad Book Shop, with no less than the author, National Artist for Literature F. Sionil Jose.

Armed with a bunch of snacks and stacks of books, we found ourselves holed up in FSJ’s private quarters above the bookshop and spent over three hours talking about his life as a writer and reader, the Rosales books, the bookshop and so much more!

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