This is going to be strange, two years overdue, but I was rooting around Jasper Fforde‘s (one of my favorite authors, in case you didn’t knw) website and I just found out I was among the picks for the Thursday Nextreme (Thursday Next X-treme) in 2009.
I remember visiting the site this year to “download” the TN6 special features, but I totally forgot about joining Nextreme!
My cousin and I have been Fforde Ffanatics for years now, reading each TN book in succession, up to the latest, One of our Thursdays is Missing. We’ve actually contemplated starting up a Fforde Ffanatics (Ff)ilippines club but we don’t know enough people (or do we? Let us know!), hahaha!
Anyway, ever since we found out about Jasper’s (for some reason he is a Facebook friend!) Thursday Nextreme contest, we wanted to join, so back in 2007, on a beach trip to Bohol, we shot a bunch of scenes (including that header up there) to enter in the contest.
The contest involves taking an “extreme” picture of yourself with a TN book in a place not many people are able to go, and over the past years, the entries have been wild (of course, entries that involve actual danger are disqualified)! The people who join are real fans, and the entries often involve inside jokes about the books. The winner gets the “valuable and not at all tacky cup” for this “not at all pointless” competition, as seen above.
We sent in Dianne’s entry first in 2007 after the trip; I remember us huddled together composing the entry. And sure enough it got in!
A couple of years ago, I’d been transferring photos on my (then) new laptop, and I suddenly remembered I had not tried to join yet, and so I did!
The photo was taken inside a cave (the Panglao cave, to be exact, on that same beach trip with Dianne), so A Journey to the Center of the Earth easily came to mind. The footnoter phone message is a reference to Thursday Next’s method of communication when she is inside a book (read the books to find out more!)
There were not so many entries in 2009, but competition was tough — I got beaten out by shrubs, Macchu Picchu, and ironically, a Harry Potter entry. Unfortunately 2010 was the last year of Thursday Nextreme so Dianne and I can’t top our previous entries! Aww!
But man, the stuff we do for fandom! And mad props to Jasper, who has created a magically bookish world for his readers!
P.S. Jasper Fforde, if you’re reading, please come to the Philippines!
Geep, that reminds me… I still haven’t finished One of our Thursdays is Missing!
Great to see Mr. Fforde’s books in the local bookshelves though, specially the new releases. So I guess that means there are others Fforde Ffanatics aside from us?
Yeah, you’re right. I’ll talk to my cousin. Maybe we can start a facebook page at least!
I don’t know if I can be called an Fforde Ffanatic but I really love The Eyre Affair! :)
Have you read the other books in the series? It gets better, Ishay!
“it gets better”… that’s exactly what ive been thinking since reading book1 until book 5 this year. one of our thursdays is missing na lang ang hindi ko nababasa. yay for fforde ffanatics philippines!
I swear, Fforde is bloody brilliant! :) I’m sure you won’t be disappointed with OOOTIM — I wanted more!!!
Love!! I’m nowhere near as Ffanatical as you and Dianne, but let me know how I can join the club! :)
Will do. Looks like we have enough to start with! :)
Aaw I didn’t know about this. I should’ve joined too. I’m reading One of Our Thursdays is Missing now and I’m cracking up every few pages. I missed Thursday Next.
(And yes, Jasper Fforde, please come to the Philippines!)
The TN books are super funny! :) Can’t wait til the next TN book :)
ooh, blooey, these photos are great! i must get back on my thursday next reading! i don’t remember with which book i stopped!