Constant Vigilance!

In the spirit of Harry Potter and my ongoing giveaway, I’d like to get this story off my chest, because I’ve been bothered by this for a couple of days now.

I hit major panic mode the other day when I was tagged in a Facebook photo (yup, the one at the top of this post) to bid on a signed copy of a deluxe edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I must confess that all rationality fled and fangirl mode kicked in — the starting bid was only P700 and the highest bid so far was P850. I plunked down a P900 bid without a clue of the bid mechanics or the details of the item I was bidding for.

The guy (not a friend, but I was tagged by a common friend) was apparently moving out of his apartment and getting rid of some books. I thought, great, a guy who doesn’t know how much a signed Harry Potter book goes for.

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