Happy New Year!
It’s the last day of my vacation and I hope to get back on track with my blogging within the week.
But before I start a new year of blogging, I’d like to thank everyone for sharing 2010 with me. The year has flown by so fast — I think it’s been my busiest year ever, judging from the way my reading tally plummeted to 205, some 30-40 books down from my annual average for the past three years (or maybe I’ve just been reading thicker books). Nevertheless, the year has been quite eventful, with weekends packed with bookish activities, and I’ve also made a lot of new friends: authors, illustrators, fellow book bloggers, BookMoochers, new Flippers, and new blog readers! Oh, and don’t get me started on the number of books I’ve added to my TBR in 2010, because I’m actually too scared to count ’em! :D