Stamp It!


Pardon the sporadic posting in the last couple of weeks — I’m in the thick of preparing for this month’s book discussion (Dodie Smith’s “I Capture the Castle”), which I’ll be moderating in Bacolod this weekend.

I’ve been crafting almost nonstop for our discussion swag in the last three weeks, and this book, “Stamp It: DIY Printing with Handmade Stamps” has come in handy. The book is by the same creator as Craft-A-Doodle, which I thoroughly enjoyed, so I had no qualms about buying this one.

2015-04-14 22.18.30“Stamp It” is a book about making your own rubber stamps. I made my first rubber stamp in high school crafts class, but I’ve gotten a renewed fascination over the craft in the last couple of years (thanks to my friends, the crafty gangsters), especially now that there are small craft stores that make the materials we need readily available.

The book features an overview of the materials used for rubber stamping (my current weapons of choice: Speedball lino cutter, Tim Holtz distress markers), basic instructions for the beginner (from transferring a pattern onto the rubber down to the actual carving), and various stamping techniques.

Here’s a look inside the book:
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The main section of the book is devoted to stamping projects like these:

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And my favorite part, pages and pages of designs you can use to make your own stamps:

2015-04-14 22.23.17 2015-04-14 22.23.24 2015-04-14 22.23.44The book works great for both beginners and long-time enthusiasts, as the ideas are simple enough for the novice, but can also be used by advanced carvers with more complex techniques.

I’ve been carving quite a lot in the last month — I have to say there are few things more satisfying than gouging out rubber!

Here are some stamps I’ve done (the basset hound in the top photo is inspired by Frankie Landau-Banks:



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Stamp It!, softcover, 5/5 stars
P795 at National Book Store

2 thoughts on “Stamp It!”

    1. Hi Ren, they have it at National Book Store also, both with the traditional handle and this rubberized one. I prefer the rubberized for better grip

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