Ang Ilustrador ng Kabataan: Call for Applicants 2017

Ang INK is now accepting applications for new members this 2017. If you would like to be an official INKie, complete the following requirements detailed below.

1. Five (5) sample illustrations from your portfolio.
• Individual images should be at least 1000px on one side and be not more than 72 dpi.
• Compile all 5 images in 1 PDF. File should NOT exceed 7mb.
• PDF name should follow the format: APP2017-YourName-PORTFOLIO.

2. Three (3) illustrations based on the PBBY-Salanga Prize winning story Dalawa Kami ni Lola by Genaro Gojo Cruz
• Read the story here:
• Individual images should be 9”(h) x 14”(w), and should not be more than 72dpi.
• Entries do not have to be based on consecutive spreads/parts of the text. You are not required to layout/include the text in your illustrations.
• Compile ALL 3 images in ONE PDF. Total file size of the PDF should NOT exceed 5mb.
• PDF name should follow the format: APP2017-YourName.

3. Download and complete the application form

4. Compress ALL REQUIREMENTS as a ZIP file with the file name: APP2017-Surname-FirstName

Once you have finished the steps above, send your COMPLETE ZIP file to with the subject line: APP2017-YourName

DEADLINE: March 18, 2017 (Saturday), 11:59 PM
All applicants will be notified of the results through email on the first week of April. For questions and clarifications, comment below or email us at

Art by Inkie Ska Barayuga @ska_tterbrain S k a t t e r b r a i n
#AngIlustradorngKabataan #angink

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