On book blogging


A couple of weeks ago, I was surprised to find out I was a finalist to this year’s Philippine Blog Awards, an annual event in the Philippine blogging community that honors outstanding Filipino blogs and bloggers.

I knew I’d been nominated, but I never thought I’d make it as a finalist in the culture and arts category, as it’s only been ten months since I started book blogging, and hundreds of other blogs were nominated for the various blog categories nationwide.

Due to the nature of my work, I frequently encounter top bloggers  who have carved out their names in their own niches, in the blogosphere, and even in mainstream media. I’ve always admired their devotion to developing new content for their blogs, and wished I had half as much dedication in me, although I never thought about actively blogging until this year.

readingIn January this year, I started this blog as a new year’s resolution. I wanted to keep track of the books I’m reading, because back in 2008 I read over two hundred books and had nothing to show for it. And because I have trouble composing on paper, I decided to resurrect my old blogspot account to start a book blog.

Soon enough, what started out as a whim became a project I really enjoyed working on.

In May, after five months of blogging, blogger friends Melo and Eric convinced me to get my own domain. Melo (offered to host me and help me set up my blog (thank you! thank you! ^_^), and after he figured out how to import my old blogspot into this site, voila, I had my book blog up on my own domain!

It’s been a constant challenge,  getting used to a new  (and better!) blogging platform as well as fitting blogging into a hectic schedule that involves a full-time job, freelance illustration, book club meetings, INK meetings, household chores, plastic-covering marathons  and actual reading, not to mention my bout of upper respiratory tract infection, then dengue fever, and then the flood!

But I’ve been having a lot of fun blogging, and I realized that if there is one topic I can talk endlessly about, it’s books. My  obsession with books takes up most of my time, and I find that I always have something to write about — a book I just read, one of my frequent book club activities, a book-related event, reading habits, or another one of my crazy book adventures!

I’m really amazed that people actually come back regularly to read my latest posts — even when they’re halfway across the world — and that readers actually message me when I haven’t posted anything for a spell just to check if I’m alright. I love the new friends I’ve made on this blog, even though I’ve never met half of them face to face, and love that there are people who share/understand/are remotely interested in my passion for books.

So to my readers, a big thank you for spending the last ten months with me. The feedback I receive inspires me to keep blogging, and the book blog hopping has been most enjoyable too!

I know that sounds award-speechy when I’m only a finalist to the blog awards, but being up there among bloggers from all over the Philippines is a great honor in itself.

Book club friend and fellow book blogger Honey with whom I’ve shared many book adventures and food trips over the past year is a finalist in the same category as I am, and this is another experience I gladly share with her.

Another book club friend and fellow book blogger, Mauie, whom I finally met on my last Cebu sojourn, is also up for a Blogger’s Choice Award, and I’m glad for her — it’s a fun blog, with lots of great personalized  visuals,  and Mauie’s cheery personality just shines through!


The rest of the PBA ’09 finalists are here. Congratulations to everyone and three cheers towards becoming One Blogging Nation!

Weather permitting, will catch up to the ceremonies tomorrow evening after work (pleasedontrainpleasedontrainpleasedontrain)!

*PBA banner from www.philippineblogawards.com.ph, vector art from sxc.hu

8 thoughts on “On book blogging”

  1. It was my pleasure sharing book adventures AND food trips with you.:) Come what may, I’d say blogging is a reward in itself. Much like reading. That’s why it’s great to be a book blogger. Congratulations, Blooey!

  2. Oh, Blooey! Congratulations! And why are you surprised to be in the finalist category? Your blog is well written and offers your followers a lot of interesting stuff! That’s why I keep checking you out all the time. :) Hope you and Honey clinch some trophies. You both deserve them.

  3. Hello, Blooey! Once again, congratulations on being a finalist at this year’s Philippine Blog Awards. Honey told me that you had fun attending the ceremony last Friday.

    By the way, I am loving the pic that shows you reading on the wooden floor. (Are there actual words printed on the floor? I can never tell nowadays.)

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