Making Mischief by Elizabeth Young

I can’t quite give a summary so here’s the back of the book description:

Abby Morland’s been making mischief since she was not-so-sweet sixteen, when she spied gorgeous Guy from the neighborhood being attacked by curvaceous Cara, the “Topless Piranha.” It was a racy, tasty, spicy piece of gossip Abby couldn’t resist passing along. But years later, her indiscretion may be coming back to haunt her — since she now wouldn’t mind a little nibble of Guy herself. With four cousins, two weddings, and a re-emergent piranha in the offing, the recipe for making more mischief is at hand, and it might just turn Guy in Abby’s direction at last!

It would have been funny, because the characters are charming, but I think the author went overboard with the plotline — it was just too complicated. There’s Cara the piranha, then there’s the riotous wedding, then there’s the family tradition of boyfriend-stealing subplot, and there’s the adorable little brother that brings Mr. Right closer to home…. One at a time, they’d have made a great story, but all together, they’re quite chaotic. There are enough characters to fill a school bus, and it just takes so long for the necessary action to take off that it can be quite dragging.

It’s just a long way to happily ever after.

My copy: trade paperback, from the NBS bargain bin

My rating: 3/5 stars

Photo courtesy of HarperCollins (