Bookish crafts: DIY Pillowbed


I’d been meaning to learn to use a sewing machine for a while now, because while I can hand-sew just fine, machine sewing is dead handy for my endless crafting, costumes, and the never-ending list of hobbies I find myself involved in.

You may have seen this on the blog’s FB page (or my social media accounts if you know me personally), and here’s the story behind it:  my sister, who’s teaching me to sew, showed me a pillowbed on Pinterest (evil, evil Pinterest) and I decided to make one as my first project. Now it’s basically just sewing the seams of the pillowcases together, but I count it as a major achievement for LVL: Noob.

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Meet David.

Book #8 for 2009 – Sock and Glove: Creating Charming Softy Friends from Cast-Off Socks and Gloves by Miyako Kanamori

I’m not much of a sewer (as in person who sews, not drainage), but the cuteness of this book got me hooked as soon as I spotted it up on a high shelf at Book Sale.

I looked it over and decided my powers could take on the amount of sewing the projects in the book required, and started hunting for cast off socks at home.

The book contains a short story showcasing different softie animals. Very minimalist, very Japanese. Then the back of the book contains some pretty straightforward instructions on how to create 13 softie toys, including dog, monkey, cat, rabbit, zebra, panda, mouse, fish, etc., and even how to make clothes for them.

I realize I don’t have to write on and on about the book because last night, I unearthed my sewing supplies and decided to try it out. Voila, meet David the dog! My stitches were a bit wonky because I was in a hurry to finish (took me about three hours all in all) to see what it would look like. But I’m sure I’ll get better with practice.

Can’t wait to make friends for David.

My copy: paperback, about P125 at Book Sale

My review: 5/5 stars