A two-sided love story


As my book club friends would know, I judge books by the cover. I’ll buy a book that pops out on a shelf and catches my eye, if only for that reason.

Such was the case with Theodora Goss’ The Thorn and the Flower, a one of a kind accordion-fold binding  in a vintage-y floral scratchboard slipcase. It was a chance find — I have never seen a novel in accordion (or concertina) style before (normally picture books, hand-crafted books, and sketchbooks) , and all I could think of was how good this book would look on my bookshelf!

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My copy of Linger by Maggie Stiefvater has been sitting on my shelf since Christmas (it was a present from friends at Scholastic), and I’ve been meaning to read it for the longest time.

You guys probably know that I often run in the opposite direction of paranormal romances, but I read Shiver last year, and thought the series showed promise. When I learned last week that Forever, the conclusion to the trilogy is coming out this month, I made quick work of reading Linger, and the two dozen or so pending book reviews will have to wait, because I didn’t expect to get so caught up in this book.

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Queen of Babble Gets Hitched

I’ve been following Meg Cabot’s Queen of Babble series for some years now, but was only recently able to get ahold of the third book, Queen of Babble Gets Hitched via some very kind moochers on BookMooch.

Lizzie Nichols has always been a charming protagonist, and I’ve enjoyed reading the first two books in the series — Queen of Babble, and Queen of Babble in the Big City. Lizzie is a a twenty-something with old-fashioned sensibilities, and a talent for restoring vintage dresses. The series follows her life (and lovelife) as she ventures out of her hometown and away from her family to make it on her own.

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Summer Reading

I haven’t read any local chick lit in years now, so when Summit Books offered some review copies of their latest releases, I quickly jumped on the chance.

I’m no stranger to Summit Books; I’ve read them since they first came out when I was back in college, although I haven’t been able to keep track of the later releases. They’re quick, well-written reads, with contemporary characters in realistic situations. My favorites include Drama Queen by Abi Aquino (the first one I ever read!) and Have Baby, Will Date by Andrea Pasion.

I got a whole new bunch sent to me by Ro Manalo of Summit Books (thanks!), and they provided much relief in this stressful summer filled with work-related travel:  My Imaginary Ex by Mina V. Esguerra; 12 Steps to Quitting AJ by Faye Ilogon; and the two later installments of Vince’s Life by Vince O. Teves: Getting Over Andrea and The Wedding.

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