Happy Hunger Games!

All weekend, people have been asking me how I found the Hunger Games movie so I decided a blog post was in order for the occasion.

I think I’ve been half-excited, half-scared ever since the movie was announced, the way I am whenever a favorite book hits the big screen. Everyone knows I’m not a big fan of film adaptations — I’d be perfectly happy leaving my favorite books as they are, in my imagination, where, in my experience, they’re a whole lot better.

Lately, though, I’ve been quite, erm, reckless (hehe!) in watching film adaptations — I think, now that Harry Potter is over, I’ve conditioned myself to thinking it can’t get any worse. I’ve caught quite a number of them in the past few months — and of books I love, too! — and I admit it hasn’t been half bad. The Adventures of Tintin was awesome (but underappreciated, I think!); The Girl with A Dragon Tattoo was a bit too Hollywood for my taste (too pretty!), and Noomi Rapace will always be my choice for Lisbeth Salander, but the Hollywood version did work well as a narrative. and Hugo — it was, hands down one of the best movies I have ever seen, and *gasp* I actually enjoyed it more than the book!

Continue reading “Happy Hunger Games!”

The Hunger Games movie trailer… and Seneca Crane’s beard!

A couple days ago, we finally got to see the Hunger Games official movie trailer.

Not being a fan of movie adaptations in general, and iffy on some casting choices for the film,  I must confess I was dreading the trailer. Of course, that didn’t stop me from clicking on the link and putting the trailer  on loop, like every other Hunger Games fanatic out there.

And I must say, it’s gotten me curious enough to — gasp — actually watch the movie!

Continue reading “The Hunger Games movie trailer… and Seneca Crane’s beard!”