All packed! (and a new giveaway!)


By the time you read this, I’ll probably be waiting to board my flight to Hong Kong.

As you can see, I’m all packed already. Aside from my the Hong Kong guidebook in my handcarry, I’ve severely limited myself to Newton (my Nook) and one other book. It’s so hard to transition into the fact that I already have an e-reader, because I’m so used to traveling with a small stack of books, regardless of the fact that I’m sure to buy another stack to take back home (erm, yes, on my last trip out of the country, I shelled out $100 for excess baggage, which were purely books — loot from the Popular book fair and Bras Basah Complex!)!


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Book Belt

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hagrid sends Harry a peculiar birthday gift: the Monster Book of Monsters, a textbook that attempts to bite anyone who tries to open it. Harry binds it with a belt, and the other students keep it shut with Spellotape. This Harry Potter moment came to mind when I spotted a new book thingamajig at a Daiso store in Singapore: the book belt.

It’s actually a glorified piece of patterned garter sewn together with a felt band, and I bought it primarily because I’m a sucker for all sorts of book paraphernalia (as you well know), and I only got to try it recently. For 2 SGD (standard Daiso price), you get a pack of two book bands (I gave one to my FFP seezter Ajie) that can fit both mass market paperbacks and trade paperbacks.

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