For the past few weeks, I’ve been raving about Miguel Syjuco’s “Ilustrado” to anyone who will listen! Hahaha, I’ve even managed to convince a bunch of people to go out and get copies (Dianne and Mike and Mike’s uncle, haha — I hope you like it as much I did!) because I couldn’t contain my excitement about it. Here’s my full length review (originally published in Manila Bulletin), and I hope it makes more people want to read it!
“When the author’s life of literature and exile reached its unscheduled terminus that anonymous February morning, he was close to completing the controversial book we’d all been waiting for.”
Thus begins Miguel Syjuco’s “Ilustrado,” winner of the 2008 Man Asian Literary Award and the Palanca Award, recently launched in the Philippine edition by Farrar, Straus and Giroux (International release is due this week — I think I’ll get myself a trade paperback of the international edition). I was waiting to board a plane to Davao, and I relished the ominous beginning as I settled down at the airport lounge for the first few chapters of this highly anticipated read.
Filipino writer-in-exile Crispin Salvador’s corpse is found floating in the Hudson River, and his student, Miguel Syjuco (yes, the same name as the author), wants answers. Miguel sets out to piece together Salvador’s life with fragments of his mentor’s body of work, personal history, interviews with friends and relatives, and other sources, telling his own life story along the way.
“Ilustrado” is not your typical Filipino novel, eschewing carabaos in the fields and sunlight the color of mangoes in favor of epistolary-style metafiction that uncannily mirrors Philippine culture, history and politics.
Miguel is obsessed with finding out all he can about Crispin Salvador, and taking his cue from the leads he sifts from his mentor’s personal belongings, he flies home to the Philippines, seeking out Salvador’s family and friends while carefully avoiding his own.
Miguel is writing “Crispin Salvador: Eight Lives Lived,” a biography of his mentor, and the reader gets to sample his work in progress as he finds out more about the man. The novel traces as far back as Salvador’s paternal great-grandfather Capitan Cristobal Salvador, his birth to parents Narciso and Maria Clara and four other siblings, growing up in a wealthy family and turning his back on his privileged life, and how he makes it on his own to become a legendary albeit controversial figure in the Philippine literary scene.
As Miguel cobbles together Salvador’s story, parallels are drawn between their two lives, allowing us to get to know Miguel, a young man also descended from a powerful political clan, who steps out from the shadow of his family history and struggles to set his own path as a writer.
Foregoing the conventional linear progression of a start-middle-end plotline, “Ilustrado” manages to flesh out the two personalities – as well as 150 years of modern Philippine history – using a variety of snippets, including Miguel’s narration and drafts of the biography; newspaper clippings and blog entries; correspondence; excerpts of Salvador’s interviews, novels, short stories, poetry, and autobiographical works; and even colloquial jokes shared by Miguel and Salvador.
Ilustrado” challenges the traditional views of Filipino literary craft (and even the so-called Filipino literati) as it indulges in a variety of genres and techniques to probe the relationship between fiction and reality. Its richly descriptive prose has a touch of self-deprecating humor that entertains the reader from start to end, and the gritty slice-of-life observations of Philippine society are articulate, insightful, and amusing.
The novel is also a pantheon for Syjuco’s literary and artistic influences – including Kurt Vonnegut, Roberto Bolaño, Thomas Pynchon, Jose Rizal, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and many more – replete with references for those who can read between the lines and recognize them.
But perhaps the true gift that “Ilustrado” presents to Philippine literature is how it makes Filipinos aware of the art of writing fiction and the realm of possibilities opened up by exploring new ways to tell a story, and gives them new ways to read it.
While “Ilustrado” is not the first metafictional work by a Filipino writer, it is a laudable effort to move away from the use of metafiction as a bells and whistles spectacle, as an affectation of writers who write metafiction just to prove they can. As it juxtaposes fabrication against reality to convey moral truths about society, “Ilustrado” presents a fresh voice that provokes readers to examine the principles they value and the truths they hold real.
Ilustrado is available at all National Book Store branches at the special introductory price of P308 (20% discount, SRP P385) from April 8 to 30, 2010.
Ilustrado, FSG Philippine Edition, 4.5/5 stars, book #50 for 2010
My copy of this book is still unopened on my shelf. Your review just made me more excited to read it :)
Let me know when you’ve read it, Tina, I haven’t had anyone to talk to (well, other than Miguel Syjuco on the book launch) about the book yet
blooey i’ll buy the book tomorrow i’ll take advantage of the discount of a book worth reading for.
hi Ella – well worth it! :)
Since you’re excited about the book, Blooey, i think I must give this a try. :)
Jo, it really is worth a try! I hope you like it!
@blooey sayang din ung discount til april 30 lang will let u know once i finish reading it ;)
Yup, it’s a substantial discount! Comment here when you’ve read the book :)
Is this a great novel or is it great Filipino novel? I will have to pick up a copy of this book and decide for myself-
Hey Mel — for me it’s both. Let me know what you think! :)
I loved the book too – and am sure Chuck (Miguel) will be really pleased to read your review. Will forward him the URL to this post unless you’ve done so already. :)
Hi Iya. Not yet hahaha, I’m shy! :)
Remind me to get my copy soon. Gotta take advantage of the sale!
Three more days for the discount!
just got the book hehe muntik na kong kapusin ngayon buti na lang may credit card
Wow, you really bought one right away! Good for you!
i am now reading it for the second time; i didn’t quite get it at first for a lot of reasons, foremost of which is my confusion with the characters and their inter-relationships. the fault is mine; not the autjor’s.
from the opening pages alone, i found it quite impressive. i reads like something written by a native speaker of the english language – no offense to the other filipino writers in english.
over-all, it is a highly commendable book. i take exception to the following, though:
1. some of the humor injected were better left in the pages of jingle magazine – a songbook cum magazine in the 70’s that featured, among others, green jokes.
2. mr. syjuco used words like “avuncular” and “pedarastic” among others. the latter word isn’t even listed in the dictionary i have here with me. and it is a 2-volume type. should i try to look it up in a medical dictionary? i thought he went over the top with those words; it felt like he was trying too hard to impress. e.l. doctorow’s “the world’s fair” reads like something written by a grade schooler (simple words and narrative) but the impact on me as a reader is immeasurable.
although it is about the philippines, i can not agree with you more that “… is not your typical filipino novel, eschewing…………” at last, a filipino writer had the sense, style and talent to make a novel about the philippines more palatable to non-filipinos.
i won’t be surprised if mr. syjuco achieves the same acclaim and wide readership enjoyed by gabriel garcia marquez and amy tan.
thank you, mr. syjuco, for putting the philippines in the literary map.
Thanks for your insights sir!
you are welcome. may i ask what you think of the book cover design? from the shelves at the national bookstore, i mistook it for a book on the arts and crafts of mindanao – mother-of-pearl inlay usually found on wooden chests of maranao vintage. i still can’t figure out its relevance to the novel. just curious.
I admit I’m not a big fan of this cover. I like the UK cover with the fountain pen better :)
thanks. i didn’t realize it comes in different cover designs depending on the country of distribution. it confused me even more. nice talking to you.
The US edition has the same cover as the Philippine edition, except it’s hardcover and printed on better paper.
I do wish they’d sell the US or the UK edition here.
thanks for the info. i was about to ask you if the us or uk editions are available locally. good thing i requested a friend in texas to buy me a hardcover copy for my collection. just like you, i’ve been encouraging friends all over to get a copy. the least we can do for mr. syjuco, whoever he is. it is enough that he is a filipino writer who has the potential for an international bestseller. if you know hm personally, pls send my best wishes.
I want a hardcover too! (Drool)
I’ve met Miguel Syjuco but I don’t know him personally, really, but I have a friend from my book club who does (hello Iya!)
oh, this is a bookclub pala ha ha. pardon my ignorance. btw, what is a book club ba? do you come together as book lovers or one gets to buy the books from you, with some privileges? if you have second hand books at a price the fraction of brand new ones, then i am your man ha ha. btw, is that the same iya above? must be my long-lost great- grand-niece. i will gladly show you my copy when it arrives or before you get hold of yours; most likely by december pa siguro with the usual balikbayan box. mahal postage, pambili na din ng isang book yon..
I belong to a book club, Flips Flipping Pages, which is based on the Shelfari site. You should join —
We also trade books on, you should try that too.
Still checking if the UK edition is available in Singapore, I’d rather get the UK edition :D
thank you very much.
i’m currently reading it.
it’s a book that take you somewhere without you knowing it. :)
Happy reading Nuelene!
i just finished it! funny that i should read a copy lent to me by a canadian co-worker … :)
How’d you find it, Aloi?
I bought this few weeks ago from NB. I browsed it and bit disappointed of the font size used. Well, the size of the book is handy, however the print is not good for my eyes! I saw this first when I was still living in Belfast Northern Ireland… tempted to buy but bit expensive!