39 Clues: Unstoppable summer promo

The 39 Clues has definitely come a long way since I first started reading it. The original 10 book, multi-author, multimedia series has since been followed by the Cahills vs. Vespers arc, spanning six books; and the current (and last) arc: Unstoppable, with the third book “Countdown” released today. This summer, Pinoy Cahills get a … Continue reading “39 Clues: Unstoppable summer promo”

39 Clues: Vespers Rising

The first book I read for the FFP 24-Hour Readathon was Vespers Rising, book #11 of the 39 Clues series, which I was reading for the launch party organized by Scholastic Philippines and National Book Store the next day. I was eager to read this book after I finished book 10, Into the Gauntlet by … Continue reading “39 Clues: Vespers Rising”

39 Clues: Into the Gauntlet

Sorry this is a bit delayed — I’m swamped at the moment; it’s been a very busy week! Spent the weekend prepping for the upcoming 39 Clues: Vespers Rising launch party with three books: 39 Clues #10: Into the Gauntlet by Margaret Peterson Haddix; The 39 Clues Black Book of Buried Secrets; and The 39 … Continue reading “39 Clues: Into the Gauntlet”

The 39 Clues: Vespers Rising Launch Party!

Attention 39 Clues fans! Scholastic and National Book Store are holding a launch party for The 39 Clues: Vespers Rising on April 9, 2011, 3 pm, at NBS Bestsellers!

Preview: The Viper’s Nest (39 Clues #7)

I’m writing a newspaper review of The 39 Clues book 7: The Viper’s Nest by Peter Lerangis, but I just finished it tonight (I couldn’t put it down, even while getting my hair done at the salon) and I’m dying to spill the beans on what happens in this one, but of course I won’t, … Continue reading “Preview: The Viper’s Nest (39 Clues #7)”