Countdown to Pottermore!


21 hours to go…

and Pottermore will get unveiled!

The internet has been buzzing with speculation for the past week, and there’s an online RPG hypothesis i.e. Potter M(ultiplayer) O(nline) R(ole-Playing) E(xperience), but the idea getting the most nods seems to be an interactive site for Harry Potter fans, and the trademark filed by Warner Brothers (which makes me a little antsy — please don’t let it be related to the movie) seems to give credence to this idea:

(screencap from Trademarkia)

The Leaky Cauldron reports: “Leaky has seen a preview of Pottermore and it is breathtaking. As always, stick close to Leaky for the latest on Pottermore!”

I join the rest of the Harry Potter fandom for this exciting event!


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