Splash! Awards

Because I’ve been given a Splash! award by Susan, I’d like to return the favor and give some Splash! awards to other book blogs I’ve been reading regularly.

The Rules:

1) Put the logo on your blog/post.
2) Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
3) Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4) Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
5) Remember to link to the person from whom your received your Splash award.

(Squee. I just realized this is my first meme!)

Here are my splash awards
1) Back to Susan, whom I admire for turning book blogging into a social activity. You always have something new, interesting to read every time I check your blog, and it’s always from the heart too :)

2) Peter, because I was hooked from my first visit to your blog! I look forward to reading your entries, and I feel gratified that there are more book lovers in this country.

3) Honey, my Flipper friend! I love how eloquent you are in your reviews, and how you go out of your way to aggregate little bits of book info for us bibliovultures. And now you’ve started a crusade to unite all book bloggers and promote book blogging in the Philippines, a cause I fully support!
4) Jo, because I love how organized your reviews are. And I just discovered your archive (!), yay, lots more to read through!

5) Marie, another Flipper friend! I enjoy your company because we have very different literary taste, and I admire your take-no-prisoners attitude towards books :)

6) Patti, who is one of my inspirations for blogging. When I saw your WordPress blog last year, I knew I wanted a blog of my own!

7) IHop, another one of my inspirations. You have a blog for everything, and someday I’d like to do that too! And I love how I can imagine you as I read your posts, like we’re talking face to face :D

8) Keyla, whose blog I discovered today. I’ve been seeing you in Shelfari, and you’ve added me too, and your love for books is infectious :)

9) and one last — Color Online, because the advocacy is admirable, and the blog goes out of its way to reach out to readers and make empowerment fun! :)

(I wish I could add more!)